PolyScience® Smoking Gun™
Smoking gun provides an alternative to traditional smoking methods. Today regardless of salads,
chocolates, meringue, sauces, jams and fruitReach new culinary unique feeling. Smoking gun makes it
easy to add flavor and adjust its intensity.
Combustible materials include various types of your choice of natural wood, tea, herbs, spices and dried
hay and limited only by your imagination.
Durable, holding a smoking gun, allowing you to experiment and create a signature culinary creations with
each service, low cost of just fourth, AA batteries.
Simply use your choice of fuel fill the smoking gun Chamber, turn it on, light with a match or lighter, and
you want to smoke.
Classic smoked, enrich your food
*Apply is usually smoked food
*Injection of cold drinks, soups, sauces and marinade in the smoke
*Reached the desk guests taste, Visual surprises
*Hickory and mesquite: strong and earthy flavor-rich foods, such as beef, pork and vegetables.
*Apples and cherries: sweet, fruity flavor, cooked meat. Very good, whipped cream and cocktails.
【Parts and specifications】
- Product weight:130g
- Recommended Jet lighter